Tag Archives: Paid Family Leave Benefits Law

Impact of New York’s PFL

For years, campaigns have been undertaken to fight for Paid Family Leave (PFL) Benefits throughout the nation.  New York finally has its own Paid Family Leave Benefits Law (article 9 of the Workers Compensation Law), that is to become effective January 1, 2018. As it is New Yorkers have been doing well over the years being one of very few states that force employers to give disability benefit coverage to workers for illness or injury (caused out of work time).

Now, New York’s PFL is making things even better. The result of Governor Cuomo’s New York State’s 2016-17 Budget, once in place, this will mean that anyone who has worked for at least 26 consecutive weeks (175 days for part-time workers) will be eligible for paid family leave benefits.  In addition, these individuals will have the right to a leave of absence and guaranteed reinstatement.  This would also be the case for those who do not come under the protection of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

For employers this law will enforce a review of family and medical leave policies, benefits, agreements, etc. in an attempt to ensure full compliance.